The Astonishing Agony of the Cup

Mark 14:32–42


  1. How does it affect you to see Jesus so “greatly distressed and troubled” as his passion narrative begins? What thoughts or emotions do you have in response to this passage?

  2. In this passage, how does Jesus give us an example for how to pray?

  3. In this passage, how does Jesus give us an example for how we should trust in God?

  4. Read back over Mark 14:30-31 and Mark 14:37-38. In what ways can you relate to the disciples' weakness/falling asleep in the garden of Gethsemane?

  5. In his sermon, Joel mentioned that our basis for prayer is that God is sovereign, that God is good, and that God loves you as his child. Which of these three are you most tempted not to trust/believe? Why?

  6. How does this passage speak into whatever distrust you mentioned in response to the previous question?


Gethsemene: Betrayal in the Garden (Morning)


Out of My Distress: How (Not) to be a Disciple